List of January 2024 Holidays

To simplify this massive list of holidays, I’ve divided the days into five categories: public holidays, religious holidays, monthly observances, weekly observances, and daily observances.

Scroll down to view all 190+ holidays, or use the following links to skip ahead to a specific category.

January 2024 Public Holidays

This list contains public holidays and special observances in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

DateHolidayHashtagWhere Observed
January 1New Year’s Day#newyearsdayWorldwide
January 22nd January#newyearScotland
January 10Devonport Cup#devonportcupTasmania
January 15Martin Luther King Jr. Day#mlkdayUnited States
January 25Burns Night#burnsnightScotland
January 26Australia Day#australiadayAustralia

January 2024 Religious Holidays

January 6Feast of the Epiphany – Three Kings#epiphanyChristian
January 7Orthodox Christmas Day#orthodoxchristmasOrthodox
January 14Orthodox New Year#orthodoxnewyearOrthodox
January 25Tu BiShvat#NewYearForTreesJewish

January 2024 Monthly Observances

Cervical Health Awareness Month
International Change Your Stars Month
National Bath Safety Month
National Black Diamond Month
National Blood Donor Month
National Braille Literacy Month
National Codependency Awareness
National Hobby Month
National Hot Tea Month
National Mentoring Month
National Menudo Month
National Oatmeal Month
National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
National Slow Cooking Month
National Soup Month
National Stalking Awareness
National Sunday Supper Month
National Train Your Dog Month
National Volunteer Blood Donor
Thyroid Awareness Month
Train Your Dog Month
Unchain A Dog Month
Walk Your Pet Month

January 2024 Weekly Observances

January 1 – 7Celebration of Life Week
January 1 – 7Diet Resolution Week
January 1 – 7New Year’s Resolutions Week
January 1 – 7Silent Record Week
January 11 – 17Cuckoo Dancing Week
January 14 – 20Home Office Safety and Security Week
January 14 – 20National Mocktail Week
January 14 – 20Universal Letter Writing Week
January 16 – 19International Hoof Care Week
January 18 – 25International Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 20 – 21Bald Eagle Appreciation Days
January 20 – 28International Snowmobile Safety Week
January 21 – 27Healthy Weight Week
January 21 – 27Hunt for Happiness Week
January 21 – 27National Activity Professionals Week
January 21 – 27National CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists) Week
January 21 – 27National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week
January 21 – 27National School Choice Week
January 21 – 28Meat Week
January 22 – 26National Medical Group Practice Week
January 22 – 26Tax Identity Theft Week
January 22 – 28Sugar Awareness Week
January 28 – February 3Catholic Schools Week

January 2024 Daily Observances

January 1Global Family Day#globalfamilyday
January 1National Bloody Mary Day#nationalbloodymaryday
January 1National Hangover Day#nationalhangoverday
January 1National Thank God It’s Monday Day#thankgoditsmondayday
January 1New Years Day#newyearsday
January 1Polar Bear Plunge Day#polarplunge
January 1St. Basil’s Day#saintbasilsday
January 1World Day of Peace#worlddayofpeace
January 22nd January – Scotland#newyear
January 2National Buffet Day#nationalbuffetday
January 2National Cream Puff Day#nationalcreampuffday
January 2National Personal Trainer Awareness Day#personaltrainerawarenessday
January 2National Science Fiction Day#sciencefictionday
January 2World Introvert Day#worldintrovertday
January 3Festival of Sleep Day#festivalofsleepday
January 3JRR Tolkien Day#JRRTolkienDay
January 3National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day#chocolatecoveredcherryday
January 3National Drinking Straw Day#drinkingstrawday
January 3National Fruitcake Toss Day#fruitcaketossday
January 4National Spaghetti Day#nationalspaghettiday
January 4National Trivia Day#nationaltriviaday
January 5National Bird Day#nationalbirdday
January 5National Keto Day#nationalketoday
January 5National Screenwriters Day#nationalscreenwritersday
January 5National Whipped Cream Day#whippedcreamday
January 6Feast of the Epiphany – Three Kings#epiphany
January 6National Bean Day#nationalbeanday
January 6National Cuddle Up Day#nationalcuddleupday
January 6National Shortbread Day#nationalshortbreadday
January 6National Technology Day#technologyday
January 7National Bobblehead Day#nationalbobbleheadday
January 7National Tempura Day#nationaltempuraday
January 7Old Rock Day#oldrockday
January 7Orthodox Christmas Day#orthodoxchristmas
January 8National Argyle Day#nationalargyleday
January 8National Bubble Bath Day#bubblebathday
January 8National English Toffee Day#englishtoffeday
January 8National JoyGerm Day#nationaljoygermday
January 8National Winter Skin Relief Day#winterskinreliefday
January 9National Apricot Day#apricotday
January 9National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (LEAD)#lead
January 9National Static Electricity Day#staticelectricityday
January 9Shop for Travel Day#shopfortravelday
January 9Word Nerd Day#wordnerdday
January 10Devonport Cup#devonportcup
January 10National Bittersweet Chocolate Day#bittersweetchocolateday
January 10National Cut Your Energy Costs Day#cutyourenergycostsday
January 10National Houseplant Appreciation Day#houseplantappreciationday
January 10National Oysters Rockefeller Day#nationaloystersrockefellerday
January 10National Save The Eagles Day#savetheeaglesday
January 11National Hot Toddy Day#hottoddyday
January 11National Human Trafficking Awareness Day#humantraffickingawarenessday
January 11National Milk Day#nationalmilkday
January 11National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day#stepinapuddleandsplashyourfriendday
January 12International Kiss A Ginger Day#kissagingerday
January 12National Curried Chicken Day#curriedchickenday
January 12National Marzipan Day#nationalmarzipanday
January 12National Pharmacist Day#nationalpharmacistday
January 13Korean American Day#koreanamericanday
January 13Make Your Dreams Come True Day#makeyourdreamscometrueday
January 13National Clean Off Your Desk Day#cleanoffyourdeskday
January 13National Peach Melba Day#koreanamericanday
January 13National Rubber Ducky Day#nationalrubberduckyday
January 13National Sticker Day#nationalstickerday
January 13National Vision Board Day#visionboardday
January 13Stephen Foster Memorial Day#stephenfostermemorialday
January 14National Dress Up Your Pet Day#dressupyourpetday
January 14National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day#hotpastramisandwichday
January 14National Sunday Supper Day#sundaysupper
January 14Organize Your Home Day#organizeyourhomeday
January 14Orthodox New Year#orthodoxnewyear
January 14Ratification Day#ratificationday
January 15Blue Monday#bluemonday
January 15Martin Luther King Jr. Day#mlkday
January 15National Bagel Day#nationalbagelday
January 15National Booch Day#nationalboochday
January 15National Hat Day#nationalhatday
January 15National Strawberry Ice Cream Day#strawberryicecreamday
January 16Appreciate a Dragon Day#AppreciateADragonDay
January 16National Fig Newton Day#nationalfignewtonday
January 16National Nothing Day#nothingday
January 16National Religious Freedom Day#religiousfreedomday
January 16National Without a Scalpel Day#withoutascalpelday
January 17Benjamin Franklin Day#benfranklinday
January 17Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day#ditchnewyearsresolutionsday
January 17Kid Inventors’ Day#kidinventorsday
January 17National Bootlegger’s Day#bootleggersday or #templetonrye
January 17National Hot Buttered Rum Day#hotbutteredrumday
January 18Get to Know Your Customers Day#gettoknowyourcustomersday
January 18National Peking Duck Day#nationalpekingduckday
January 18National Thesaurus Day#nationalthesaurusday
January 18National Winnie The Pooh Day#winniethepoohday
January 19National Popcorn Day#nationalpopcornday.
January 19Tin Can Day#tincanday
January 19World Quark Day#worldquarkday
January 20National Buttercrunch Day#nationalbuttercrunchday
January 20National Cheese Lover’s Day#cheeseloversday
January 20National Disc Jockey Day#nationaldiscjockeyday
January 21National Granola Bar Day#nationalgranolabarday
January 21National Hugging Day#nationalhuggingday
January 21Squirrel Appreciation Day#squirrelappreciationday
January 22Celebration of Life Day#celebrationoflifeday
January 22Community Manager Appreciation Day#communitymanagerappreciationday
January 22Hot Sauce Day#hotsauceday
January 22National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day#answeryourcatsquestionsday
January 22National Blonde Brownie Day#blondebrownieday
January 23National Handwriting Day#nationalhandwritingday
January 23National Pie Day#nationalpieday
January 24Beer Can Appreciation Day#beercanappreciationday
January 24Library Shelfie Day#libraryshelfieday
January 24National Compliment Day#nationalcomplimentday
January 24National Peanut Butter Day#nationalpeanutbutterday
January 25Burns Night#burnsnight
January 25National Irish Coffee Day#nationalirishcoffeeday
January 25National Opposite Day#nationaloppositeday
January 25Tu BiShvat#NewYearForTrees
January 26Australia Day#australiaday
January 26National Big Wig Day#nationalbigwigday
January 26National Green Juice Day#nationalgreenjuiceday
January 26National Peanut Brittle Day#peanutbrittleday
January 26National Spouses Day#nationalspousesday
January 27International Holocaust Remembrance Day#holocaustremembranceday
January 27National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day#bubblewrapday
January 27National Chocolate Cake Day#chocolatecakeday
January 27National Seed Swap Day#nationalseedswapday
January 28Data Privacy Day#dataprivacyday
January 28International Lego Day#legoday
January 28National Blueberry Pancake Day#blueberrypancakeday
January 28National Daisy Day#daisyday
January 28National Have Fun At Work Day#funatworkday
January 28National Kazoo Day#nationalkazooday
January 29National Corn Chip Day#nationalcornchipday
January 29National Puzzle Day#nationalpuzzleday
January 30National Croissant Day#nationalcroissantday
January 30Plan for Vacation Day#planforvacation
January 31National Backward Day#nationalbackwardday
January 31National Hot Chocolate Day#nationalhotchocolateday
January 31National Inspire Your Heart With Art Day#inspireyourheartwithartday